Current Organizers
Daniella C Bardalez Gagliuffi
Daniella is a final year graduate student in Physics, specializing in Astrophysics. Daniella is the creator of the mWIP program and the main graduate organizer. Daniella’s research focuses on discovering binary systems of brown dwarfs, objects intermediate between stars and planets. She is originally from Lima, Peru, and graduated from MIT with a Bachelor in Physics in 2011. When she’s not looking at the stars, she enjoys cooking, surfing, knitting, doing yoga and playing the guitar.
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Personal website:
Emily Nardoni
Emily will take over the graduate responsibilities of the mWIP organization next year.
Berkeley Hayes
Berkeley is an Undergraduate and is currently a PR Manager in the Undergraduate Women in Physics organization.
Contact info: , or
Alina Vorobyova
Alina is an Undergraduate and is currently the President of the Undergraduate Women in Physics organization.
Contact info:, or
Gretel Mercado
Gretel is an Undergraduate and is currently the Secretary of the Undergraduate Women in Physics organization
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Skye Yang
Skye is an undergraduate and is currently the webmistress of Mentorship For Women In Physics.
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Past organizers
Ivanna Escala
Ivanna was an Undergraduate at UCSD and served as PR manager for UWIP in her Senior year. She is now a Grad student in the Astrophysics department at Caltech.
Contact info:
Athena Pan
Athena is a 5th year physics graduate student at UCSD working at the Ultrafast and Nanoscale Optics group.
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